Abhishek Bachchan
Abhishek Bachchan Image Credit: Instagram/bachchan

The rumour mills are whirring after Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan was seen at a public event without his wedding ring.

Bachchan has been married to Aishwarya Rai Bachchan for over 16 years and the couple shares a daughter, Aaradhya.

A Reddit user drew attention to the missing ring, saying, “Abhishek isn’t wearing his wedding ring anymore in his recent appearances, up until now he has always worn it.”

Adding fuel to the fire is how Aishwarya has been seen more often with her daughter at public events rather than her husband, Indian media outlets have been reporting.

Could it just be that the ring no longer fits? Or that Bachchan was in a tearing hurry and left it behind? Or is there something more to the case of the missing ring? Watch this space for more …