A Ray of Hope is All Sunshine !!!

Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readDec 29, 2019


A Ray of Hope is All Sunshine !!!

Every person born in this world is important. Every life is precious in its own way. The outside world is there to pin your hopes down.

how a person takes it says a lot about himself. Either he wins or he loses. A person has someone in his life who is never appreciative of his efforts.

They will do it out of sheer jealousy or don’t want to see that person happy. people do this when they themselves are not happy with their own life.

They can’t see others happy. They will do everything on their way to see you that you don’t be happy.

People can still become happy if they are hopeful of things in their life. Hope is the most important part of any individual’s life.

People being hopeful can give rise to new avenues in their lives. They can restart their lives from scratch if they are hopeful.

Everyone needs the support of hand when they are starting in life. A hand in that crucial time will go a long way in building a strong foundation in a person’s life.

One right person in a person’s life can make all the difference. People need to have the heart to give others in whatever they can.

Everything a person gives it all comes back multifold and is way above his expectation.

So it’s important to have the heart to give. The more a person is ready to give the better the person will feel from within.

No person can become happy by being himself and not do anything for society or the people around.

Every person needs blessings from others for their own good. The power of blessing is immense.

The person who has done something good for others can only understand.

He will have a sense of satisfaction within his own life and will definitely feel better.

Every person can be a ray of hope for others to make it a better place. Ego or jealousy does not take a person anywhere. But it only harms the person down from where he is.

A person of gratitude and appreciation for himself & others will be able to grow multifold.

Every person can have everything in his life. But if he does not have a big heart and compassion towards others. Then he cannot create value from his life.

Every person becomes what he is able to give to others. The more a person is able to give to others. The better he can become himself.

people might not want your materialistic things. But they would want your kind words spoken for them. So that they can also uplift their life because of positive comments.

Every person has his highs & lows. we can be a better version if we are able to support each other during a person’s lows more than high.

All are challenging something in their lives. So, it’s better to be nice with others rather than be rude.

It is advisable to give only what you are ready to take for yourself. if you only giving arrogance and criticism, then be ready to expect the same thing in return.

What you give to the world, the world has a unique way of giving it back in return.

So every time you see a person trying to smile behind his struggles or challenges. Please see to it that you can help it by making him smile and make him feel better.

