Celebrating Celebrity Baby Birthdays - Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt


Happy Birthday Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt! You are now 4 years old.

Name: Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt

Birthday: November 29th, 2003

Famous for: Pax was adopted from Vietnam by actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in April 2007.

Siblings: Maddox Chivan, 6, Zahara Marley, 2 1/2, and Shiloh Nouvel, 18 months.



Continue reading for what they said, gear and fashion and more photos.

What they said:

Angelina reveals that her mother, Marcheline, chose the name Pax before she passed away. ‘She loved that name. He came home, and I couldn’t call her.’

She also says Pax is the wildest person in the house right now — and she has trouble getting him fully dressed. ‘I’m still having trouble convincing Pax that underwear and pants go together – underwear is not pants!’

‘Today was Pax’s second day of school, and the teachers told me that when they went out in the playground, Mad came over to his brother and pulled him around in a wagon. Then later he was crying and Mad patted him on the back. Maybe it sounds like a little thing, but as any parent knows, that was huge news. I called Brad at work. So it’s moments like that where you think, ‘Oh, I might be OK!”

Gear and fashion:


Pax wears Stride Rite SuperBall Z Strap in black/silver ($54).


Photo by INF.
Photo by INF.

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