The Lost Art Of The Mixtape

The Lost Art Of The Mixtape

Robert C. Moran

Is the Mixtape Dead?

There are many aspects that go into making a mixtape. If it were 1980 maybe your making it for your girlfriend or a buddy. The resurgence of physical media and also spotify’s playlist feature has brought the importance of a proper mixtape back to life. There is an art a finesse to the mixtape. Heat things up then cool things down. Does your mixtape have a theme? Mixtapes are universal. You have the cassette and you have spotfiy. the key is to coordinate your mixtape so it remains engaging. I collect cassette tapes and have a plethora of music to choose from. In my family we like to sprinkle in comedy skits into our mixtapes like Bill Murray or Jerky Boys – The national lampoon stuff is great. Although I prefer a physical copy of my media. I am a proud spotify member, there SHOULD be a demand in better playlists (mixtapes on spotify) but people are lazy. Like a cassette spotfiy allows you to do artwork and arrange songs by the order you want them to be like in a mixtape.

The best explanation on mixtapes I have ever heard comes from a movie called High fidelity

“Making a playlist is a delicate art. 
It’s like writing a love letter but better in a way. 
You get to say what you want to say without actually saying it. 
You get to use someone else’s poetry to express how you feel. 
And then there are the rules.”

  • John Cusack / High Fidelity / Nick Hornby

Don’t sleep on the name of your playlist.

Some of mine are:

  • Beat To Shit Barbour Jacket (College Jams)
  • Diesel Jams (Party Jams / Rock)
  • Eargasm (Stuff I listen too everyday)

All feature unique applicable artwork.

Your mixtape should have a climax and a killer ending. Like for example finishing your acid tape with The Doors “The End” Dark melodic and a very cool way to end a mixtape.

For Spotify mixtape purpose I recommend making a top 100 since you can have unlimited hours of music saved to your account, A top 100 is a great way to catalogue your favorite music.

Mixtapes are like letters or pieces of artwork meant to be saved, a legacy to leave behind like all those ancient family photos in your attic your basement. Mixtapes are meant to be passed a long and gifted to the next generation and enjoyed! – your greatest bequest to your future or your future children is music. Make great mixtapes and spread love and cool music. It doesn’t just have to be family I know on reddit people exchange mixtapes r/cassetteculture like a pen pal. Scroll through record stores and keep small businesses alive. Keep tiny record stores a live and buy your tapes at your local shop.

your music and your music sections / Mixtape capabilities should grow with you. Due to a study man over 40 stop listening to new music. That’s like saying I am going to eat the same meal or do the same thing every single day. Immerse yourself in new music – To be stagnant is to die. Feast on music. Whether its digital or cassette keep collecting and keep making awesome mixtapes.

Beat To Shit Barbour Jacket

College 2012 – 2014

Diesel Jams

Rob’s Jams 2014 – 2021


Rob’s Everyday favorites

The Top 100

Rob’s Top 100 tracks of all time.

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