Window Managers Notes


Looking for something lighter and faster than Sawfish I stumbled upon this window manager. And boy, was I glad to stumble upon it.
First, you should know that it has an optional taskbar of its own, which, at first glance, might look somewhat strange and less appealing than Gnome-panel, but tweaking it a little bit, could result in an equally or better looking one (bare in mind it doesn't nor shouldn't dock the Gnome applets there).
If you choose not to use it, then you'll probably use the Gnome-panel instead, so you'll end up with a pretty similar environment as using Sawfish, just faster.
Obviously the themes are different... But like Sawfish (and WindowMaker), its themes are pixmap based (image files such as .png, .xpm). This means highly configurable looking themes.
It is supposed to dock dockapps using a program called 'icedock' but I haven't tried it.

Advantages Disadvantages
Here are some screen shots: (click to enlarge)

Theme: modified version of YAMM
Desktop manager : ROX-Filer
Background : blue gradient
Desktop Environment : Gnome 1.4
Running : Gkrellm, ROX-Filer as a file manager, gPS, gvim, downloader for X (minimized), galeon (minimized).
Gtk1+ theme : IDs-machine, should be Mozilla-modern...
Gtk2+ theme : -
Gkrellm theme : chaos (not very suitable...)
Comments : The taskbar looks really great. It is IceWM's. It also features a nice clock, 3 tiny launchers (galeon, gPS, and ROX), and a cute penguin as the start menu button. In the center of the screen there's the IceWM session menu.

Theme: modified version of YAMM
Desktop manager : GMC
Background : blue gradient (slightly different)
Desktop Environment : Gnome 1.4
Running : ROX-Filer as a file manager, Gnome panel
Gtk1+ theme : IDs-machine, should be Mozilla-modern...
Gtk2+ theme : -
Comments : Gnome panel is auto hidden in the top left corner of the screen. Since we use IceWM's taskbar, the panel is used for different purposes: more launcher, applets etc.
The panel is running (top to bottom): fishapplet showing a great dancing penguin , quicklaunch_applet, modemlights_applet (ppp), pager applet and two launchers.
Again, the panel is auto hidden so no space is wasted.

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