Janet Jackson's Ponytail Is the Very Definition of Main Character Energy 

It's like a big, sexy tornado. 
janet jackson wearing red lipstick and smiling
Getty Images

If you have seen the incredible Janet Jackson on her current Together Again tour, I am severely jealous of you. I can't imagine how it feels to see the Janet Jackson performing in all her glory, so to appease the green-eyed monster on my shoulder, I'll just be admiring her photos. And the photo I'm loving today shows Jackson with a slicked-high ponytail and radiant skin that rivals the sun's brightness.

Jackson snapped a picture of herself looking comfortable in bed and shared it with Instagram fans on August 10. She was lying on the bed with a soft smile and an elaborate gold choker around her neck. 

Her dark hair was slicked back into a high ponytail. Her textured ponytail was splayed out above her to look like a wisp of smoke pluming from a chimney. Jackson clearly has some inches here because the tips of her ponytail disappear out of the frame, sadly; I need to see this ponytail in its full glory. 

Though the dark shades she wore covered up her eyes, if you take a closer look you'll see her long fluffy lashes. I need her to drop the skin-care routine, treatments, highlighter, or whatever it is that is giving her this radiance. She's probably wearing a simple balm on her lips, but am I crazy for saying it's giving '90s metallic lips? 

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Skin glowy. Hair laid. Smize locked. This photo has everything that makes a great selfie, including the lovely Janet Jackson. 

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