Twin Kalimba

Sale price$145.00

The Twin Kalimba is equipped with two equally tuned sound tongue sets on opposite sides for single and two-player melodies.

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Twin Kalimba

The Twin Kalimba is equipped with two equally tuned sound tongue sets on opposite sides for single and two-player melodies.

Playing as a couple
The real reason for developing the Twin Kalimba was the desire to have an instrument that makes it possible to play together. Whether couples, friends or therapist and patient, a shared sound experience is possible. The equally tuned tongue sets always create harmonious tone sequences and sounds. The vibrations of the tones are transferred to the wood and are not only acoustically, but also physically noticeable to the play partner.

Playing alone
Hold the Twin Kalimba across in both hands so that each thumb plays a set of tongues. The equally tuned tongue movements create an overtone-rich and reverberant sound, since with each played tongue the equally tuned tone resonates on the opposite side. The advanced Kalimba player has a variety of possibilities for scale formation by changing the mood of individual tones.

Factory mood: 2x A minor ( a' - c'' - c' - a' - a - f' - e' - e'' - h' ). Made in Germany from solid American cherry.


HOKEMA Kalimbas


11.75 x 3.5 x 1.5 Inches

  • Wood
  • Metal


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