
Growing Gaming Cosplay Culture

Taking out the inner geek outside the closet
Written by Nodwin Gaming
3 min readPublished on


© Nodwin Gaming

Gaming in India has been booming in the past two years with ESL One holding Indian Qualifiers for GamesCom and Games Arena holding India’s largest gaming tournament with a 10 lakh prize pool (which also featured cosplayers dressed as the DOTA 2 and CS:GO characters) and more gaming tournaments and event coming up with large prize pools. While we have people who are gamers and dedicated to playing these games there also have been an increasing amount of cosplayers taking interest in these games and the characters in the game. With the increasing amount of gaming cosplays in India we can no longer say that the people who play these games only like to sit behind the desktop or console and enjoy the game, they now dress up in the costume of these gaming characters and show off their love for the game.
Recent Comic Con in India saw a lot of cosplayers entering the gaming cosplay genre. Bangalore Comic Con had a lot of cosplayers dressed in their favourite gaming characters; a group of people had dressed as DOTA 2 characters. ; we had a group of people dressed as DOTA 2 characters. The amount of female cosplayers dressed in gaming characters shows that girl gamers are also emerging out from behind the desktop. Mortal Kombat, Final Fantasy, Assassin’s creed and Prince of Persia seem to be the most popular gaming characters amongst cosplayers. Cosplay is still new in India, but it is growing with Comic Con India making it bigger every year. With more and more gaming tournament happening alongside with comic cons and anime cons, the Indian geeks can rejoice. The conventions are getting bigger, the prizes are getting larger and one can just wait and hope that it will keep on developing more and more; and soon we can have people from outside the country flying in for the Indian conventions and Gaming tournament just like at the Dragon Con or at The International.
Mumbai Comic con was no exception either with cosplayers showcasing their costumes from games like Skyrim, Mortal Kombai, Elsword and Diablo dressed up at the convention as these gaming characters. Looking at the connection between the growing cosplay culture and the gaming community, companies are now using cosplay to attract gamers and people to their events and game launches at such venues. Cosplay and Gaming is the perfect combination to a convention or tournament.
Usually cosplay in India is crowded with anime lovers but this time we had a lot of competition coming in, in form of gaming cosplay. Cosplayer Aorin Shariyari who was dressed up as Shanoa from Castlevenia video game franchise during the Bangalore Comic Con says, “Gaming Cosplay is the new way of showing your love for two things us gamers and cosplayers love to do, it’s the perfect combination.” Cosplay also leads non gamers who are attracted by the game character to try the game and play it, she added. She also cosplayed as a fermale Sub-zero for Mortal Kombat at Mumbai comic con.