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Why Do Wasps Come in the House?

Is there an instance you find yourself suddenly screaming in the house one fine afternoon while lazing on the sofa watching television? And that’s because a wasp just flew into your home from the outside, making its smooth and fast swipes at your face! Why do wasps come in the house?

With the wasp flying in and around the house, it looks like it is looking for something… somewhere. Why do wasps come in the house?

Here is a reason why wasps come in the house

They are looking for a suitable nesting place.

More often than not, you should be aware if you start noticing a same single wasp keeps flying into your home and it keeps coming back. Take note of its flight path and there is a high chance that you can find its nest!

Wasps like to build its nest in small, cozy holes in places such as a high bookshelf, cabinets, near door hinges or even inside the pins of electric sockets! Typically, you will notice that the colour of the wasp nest is usually light-brownish and that of the soil colour.

The returning wasp is slowly collecting soil and all that is needed from the outside to build its nest from scratch. Very soon, it will start to breed and new baby wasps will come out from these nest!

Now this is definitely undesirable for a home as wasps pose risks to you and your family when they sting.

What can I do to prevent wasps from flying into my home? Simply keep all your windows and doors shut.

Why do wasps come in the house?

Fun Facts about Wasps

  • Wasps feed on insects
  • They have a slim and narrow body structure
  • Wasps can be aggressive and carry a dangerous stinger
  • They can sting repeatedly without losing its barbs because they do not have one unlike bees!
  • Wasps, just like lizards, are beneficial to some extent as they feed on flies and help to keep the population down

Now that you know more about why do wasps come in the house, click here to read more on How to Get Rid of Stinging Insects.

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