
Vicente Fernandez endorses Hillary Clinton with a song

Mexican ballad singer Vicente Fernandez endorses Hillary Clinton with a song calling Spanish-speakers to vote.
(Latino Victory Project/YouTube)

Can Hillary Clinton clinch the Hispanic vote with a song from Mexico’s most acclaimed “ranchera” ballad singer?

The question is worth asking given that, on Wednesday, Mexican crooner Vicente Fernandez made an unprecedented endorsement for the Democratic candidate with a song in Spanish. Watch the music video and judge for yourself.

The video, which was produced by the Washington, D.C.-based Latino Victory Project, features the singer in full traditional “Charro” (Mexican cowboy) outfit in a ranch with horses and a video montage of Clinton engaging with Hispanics.

Fernandez says in Spanish, “Dear brothers, your voice is your vote. Together we can.”

He sings in Spanish, “I am Latino to the bone, very proud of that.”

“And I remind you, my brother, we must go forward hand-in-hand until Hillary Clinton assures her triumph.”

“We are an important family that always goes forward. My liberty, my rights, with Hillary there is respect. With her as president, we will always have a bridge.”

“My country was hurt that someone would offend it. Hillary we are with you. You can count with our vote. You will be our voice as president.”

The 76-year-old singer, who reached acclaim in Mexico in the 1980s and 1990s and won multiple Latin Grammy awards, emerged from retirement to make the endorsement for Clinton. The video is expected to strike a chord with Spanish speakers given Fernandez’s wide appeal with Mexicans.

By Thursday, reactions online were largely favorable among Latinos, including some who expressed some reluctance to vote for Clinton.

Clinton’s Spanish Twitter account shot back a tweet to Fernandez by saying “Thank you @_VicenteFdez. We are honored by your support and we will not stop fighting to create opportunities for everyone.”

Could this determine the Hispanic vote for Clinton? Chime in with your comments.

Twitter: @RunGomez
