Read Keith Richards’s Curmudgeonly Review of Rap Music

“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there.”
Image may contain Keith Richards Musical Instrument Guitar Leisure Activities Human Person and Electric Guitar
By Jason Merritt/Getty Images.

If you enjoyed Keith Richards’s 2010 memoir, Life, then you’re likely interested in the wit, candor, and criticisms the Rolling Stones guitarist is dispensing on the press tour for his new solo album, Crosseyed Heart. Earlier this month, for example, the outspoken folk hero had no problem dissing the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band as “a mishmash of rubbish” and dismissing his band’s Their Satanic Majesties Request as “a load of shit.” And now Richards has turned his critical eye to an entire music genre in a new interview.

“Rap—so many words, so little said,” Richards tells the Daily News. “What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there. All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.”

The rock legend’s thoughts on hip-hop are nothing new, however. In 2007, he told Rolling Stone, “Hip-hop leaves me cold. But there are some people out there who think it’s the meaning of life . . . I don’t wanna be yelled at; I wanna be sung to. I never really understood why somebody would want to have some gangster from L.A. poking his fingers in your face. As I say, it don’t grab me. I mean, the rhythms are boring; they’re all done on computers.”

Hip-hop is not the only genre Richards takes aim at in the new interview. Of today’s rock, he says, “For most bands, getting the syncopation is beyond them. It’s endless thudding away, with no bounce, no lift, no syncopation.”

And don’t even get Keef started on heavy metal: “Millions are in love with Metallica and Black Sabbath,” Richards says. “I just thought they were great jokes.”