Fly Casual, Chewie! This Massive LEGO Imperial Star Destroyer is the Size of a Car

My old pal Garry King has really outdone himself this time. I know, I say that every time I feature one of his builds, but it’s true. Seriously. Behold! 2.7 meters of Imperial Star Destroyer awesomeness! That’s almost nine feet long here in ‘Merica—as big as a small moon—I mean a small car!

But what’s more impressive than the ~140K pieces and 10 months of construction is the level of detail. It’s not just a bunch of plates with a few grill pieces stuck here and there. If there were a Greebler of the Year Award, I think we’d have a winner already for 2021. Seriously though, you would need almost 30 copies of LEGO’s newest Imperial Star Destroyer set to even come close to having enough pieces to build this behemoth.

Now if you’re lucky enough to live in Tasmania, you may be able to see this SHIP on display in person. (And if you see Garry, ask him if this ship’s from Battlestar Galactica. He loves that question!) I asked him about this massive build and he said, “You know, sometimes I amaze even myself.” Oh wait, no that’s what Han said… He actually said:

“It underwent many structural shape trials and five rebuilds to get it to stay intact and look right. It is under great stress sitting on its stand you can see a very clear bend along the length of the vessel. An estimate of elements used is approximately 139,729 but I’ll get a more accurate piece count when I dismantle it at the end of 2021.”

For context, here is the model without the fancy space background, parked in an industrial three-car garage. Holy nerfherder, this thing is huge!

Garry also included Star Wars scenes from Rogue One, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi around the Imperial Star Destroyer. So feast on this gallery of close-up photos, and go see even more on Garry’s Flickr!

What do you think of this massive LEGO Star Destroyer? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.